
Three Cheers for Toledo Blade OpEd Piece

That sound you hear is me applauding Toledo all the way from north central Vermont!


EVEN as young American soldiers are dying in Iraq in disturbing numbers, a striking pattern is emerging of the Bush Administration’s manipulation of the war for political advantage.

The U.S. death toll for April already exceeds the total of 31 deaths in March, and the White House is again confronting reports of gaping discrepancies in what the President said publicly about Iraq and what the reality was according to known intelligence.


Yet in the last two weeks a troublesome picture has developed of a Bush White House more than willing to compromise fact for fiction to boost political fortunes.Consider the pattern. Recent reports allege the President himself authorized media leaks of classified material on Iraqi weapons to ambush a critic.

Subsequent revelations show the Bush Administration repeating claims about the discovery of WMDs long after they were refuted.Contrast the persistent doubts being raised about the truthfulness of Washington in relation to the Iraq war and the rising casualty count of U.S. troops under escalating attacks.T

he sacrifice for fulfilling Bush policy is too great not to demand accountability; the whole truth and nothing but from the President on down.
The Toledo Blade also has done some excellent work on GOP Coingate and the questionable 2004 presidential election voting irregularities in Ohio.