Home Foreclosures Almost Double Rate of Last Year
Mr. Bush has spoken so often of the U.S. as an ownership society and perhaps it is.
However, the owner is usually the bank or other creditors and, as Mr. Bush has ruined the economy and sunk the U.S. dollar against skyrocketing trade deficits and debt and is rapidly killing off the American middle class, can it be any surprise that the U.S. has never, ever seen such high home foreclosure rates, up nearly 75% over last year which was ALSO a record year for foreclosures?
In fact, every year Mr. Bush has been in office, foreclosure rates have been at record numbers along with consumer and federal debt. Last year's disastrous changes to the bankruptcy bill have just made it that much worse for those struggling so hard to survive.
Ownership in Bush's American Economy: He and his pals own, you pay and have nothing. Nice status if you can get it, though you probably can't.