John Kerry
We're hearing a lot more from and about him. I have this sneaking suspicion we'll see him run for the presidency in 2008.
This would be a shame. The John Kerry of the 1970s I could respect. The Kerry of 2004 was not worth the energy I poured into him, and the way he rolled over and allowed Bush to steal yet another election just made me sorry I invested anything in him (remember, I was a "Deanie baby" although I'm not a Dem).
Hillary Clinton, OTOH, I don't even respect as much as the 1970s Kerry. If our major Dem primary choices in 2008 are Kerry and Hillary, God help us. That will be about like the Republicans getting to choose between Jeb Bush, Condi, Bill Frist, and George Allen.
We need better choices.. not all the same old same old.