Even Right-to-Life GOPers Very Unhappy with Bill Frist on Stem Cell Nonsense
The Washington Post tells us that even among Republican pro-lifers, many voice extreme frustration with Bill Frist, a surgeon, turning his back on science and human suffering to instead manage Mr. Bush's stage show in which "snowflake babies" and not-ready-for-primetime pregnancies are much more important than adequate research into how stem cells may help those already living.
Alienating 4/5th of the voting population to make happy the 20% (or far less, if I count correctly) extremist nutwing wouldn't seem to bode well for Mr. Frist's presidential aspirations. Can they retroactively take away his license to practice? I would think that on the Schiavo matter alone, the case is made for doing so.
quack! quack! QUAAAAACK!