
When Good Penguins Go Freeper: The Problem with Recruitment is Parents

From BadTux (OK, who gave him the Koolaid? Was it Karlo, mistaking him for a cat? We all know how Karlo views animal blogging!):

The NERVE of those parents! These activist parents who have no qualms about projecting their own views onto their children should be ASHAMED of themselves. Their unpatriotic notion that parents are responsible for raising their children, not the Department of Defense, is TREASON! I'm just shocked that these parents think they have the right to instill their own values in their children. Why do these parents hate America? It is clear that there is only one thing us good patriotic Americans can do about this situation: Take away the children of those traitor activist parents and have the military raise them!

My IQ was going up again (it got past 85 for a moment there!) so in order to get it back down again I went to see what my fellow Freepers at FreeRepublic.com have to say about this story. Here's some choice quotes:

... these parents are actively interfering with their children's transfer to adulthood.

IMAGINE! The military teaching people how to use weapons! The Humanity!

Liberals think freedom doesn't require the ultimate sacrifice. [ Thus why conservative pundit Jonah Goldberg hasn't signed up, because he obviously believes it does -- as long as it is someone ELSE's sacrifice. -- TAH ]
    Go read the rest and then help convert BadTux back from a Freeper.