
Stay Tuned Tomorrow

Note that the Big Brass Alliance logo now appears at the right.

After soul-searching and even knowing that getting involved in this will not help some other issues in which I'm painfully involved, I've decided that the truth - and America's future - matters more than my own comfort.

Starting tomorrow, this blog and others will be providing vital information related to what we need to do related to what we know about the lies and actions that led to the Iraq War, the deaths of just shy of 2,000 American soldiers, many coalition partner forces, and tens if not hundreds of thousands of civilians.

I encourage you as citizens on this Memorial Day to support our troops by supporting the truth tellers and the efforts necessary to push for a full (and non-cooked) investigation. If our soldiers must go to war and face the ultimate sacrifice, then we must be sure they go to war for the "right" reasons.

More and more, it is obvious that Iraq was not only not a just action, but a network of people and interests came together to force our troops into Iraq - at our troops' peril - for reasons that had nothing to do with U.S. national security or the much heralded "freedom" of the Iraqi people.

It is time, my friends, to cross the rubicon, to stop muttering and griping and take effective action.

Stay tuned.