
More Encounters with Consumers of Gas-Guzzling Behemoth Vehicles with "Support Our Troops" Decals

I see I'm not the only one having these encounters (except, as you'll recall with mine, I had to open my very small yet still capacious mouth - I just saw the driver of the Hummer again yesterday, and he's still looking at me like he can and will kill me as soon as possible).

This episode is shared by TCF from ThatColoredFella'sWeblog:

So, as I’m crossing the parking lot, I notice a nearly new, khaki green GM gas-guzzling, behemoth of an SUV (the make escapes me). It had two ‘Support The Troops’ ribbon decals, one yellow, and the other employing a US flag design. On the tinted rearview window above, an oversized American flag decal that was not see-through.

Shaking my head with disgust, I continued inside and took my place behind a short line of customers already waiting. To my right, sitting on the other side of the long, oval counter sat a woman eating and reading the paper, who can only (and accurately) be described as obese. Oblivious to all those around her, the bespectacled, dark pink shirted customer clearly was enjoying the strawberry-filled donut in hand, a large sack of treats and milk (low-fat 2%) beside her as back-up.

After completing my purchase, TCF turned to leave just in time to watch ‘Big Pink’ laboriously, and with a slow waddle, exit the premises. Needing to cross a very busy thoroughfare during peak morning rush hour, TCF stood at the curb in front of the Dunkin Donuts long enough to notice the aforementioned, mileage-challenged ‘bucket’ pull to the DD exit – with ‘Big Pink’ at the wheel!

Oh, and by the way, hanging from her rear view mirror was one of those blue handicap parking permit passes.