Also from the Vermont Guardian, regarding this atrocious national ID card bill snuck into another, totally unrelated piece of legislation and passed:
And yet again, proponents insist it's needed, stirring up great fears surrounding 9/11.
The end result will be that getting a driver’s license anywhere — especially in rural areas like Vermont— will become increasingly difficult. Worse, soon we will be scanned, tracked, and identified electronically from birth to death. How many times we cross state borders, get caught for speeding, buy beer, a gun, or anything else requiring identification may be stored in one handy place.
Alliances of the right and left are developing in an attempt to stave off the ID card legislation before it takes effect. The list of groups that oppose Real ID numbers more than 600. Gun Owners of America believes it will make it easier to track gun purchases nationally, and organizations like the Cato Institute and the National Conference of State Legislatures see it as a huge, unfunded mandate and a blatant violation of states’ rights.
As the old saying goes, if it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck, chances are it’s a duck. In this case, the legislation in question is truly foul.
But the DHS - worried more about Michael Jackson and bootleg copies of Lucas' "Revenge of the Sith than about ports of entry - won't be using this to protect us from terrorists. They'll use it only to watch us.