
That Post Vince Alerted Us To Made Me Think

(That previous post is here.)

You know, a really shitty economy:

  • where your choices are go to Iraq and get your ass blown off or work at Wally-Mart or MickeyD's for minimum wage
  • where getting into colleges is getting tougher and tougher
  • where the cost of living IS much higher than what many Americans make each week
  • where more than 1 out of 5 Americans has no health care and even fewer have a parachute if an illness knocks out their way of living
  • where even if you're doing OK you see so many around you are not
  • where you can SEE that speaking out can affect whether you continue to work and survive
  • where the so-called Patriot Act allows the government to do whatever it likes with you without letting you - or those who love and depend on you - know why under the guise of "protection from terrorism"
all makes it extremely certain that people won't ask too many questions or pay much attention to what the guys (and oh, yes, they ARE men) behind the curtains are doing to them. Many Americans can't. They're in too much deep shit themselves.

Those few of us who are in deep shit and still do pay attention and do ask questions are swatted heavily. But isn't it nice and ooooooh so convenient for them that Mr. Bush and his people have crafted an economy to make certain there are relatively few people who pipe up? And they did so by terrifying people with lies to allow them to remain in office (well, that and the rigged voting machines).

In fact, Mr. Bush got the majority vote of people on welfare, people living in homeless shelters (who voted), and yes, people working at Mickey D's and Wally-Mart. And he'd be just as happy if these people - the poor he has said so often he doesn't understand didn't even exist... except to serve drinks to his daughters and clean his toilet.