
FDA Plan to Ban Gay Male Donors

Here we (fucking) go again.

The FDA wants to ban ALL donors who acknowledge they are gay from providing sperm for donation. But before you nod and say, hey, they must be doing it to save us from those promiscuous gays, think again.

Yes, an argument can be made that "protecting" the sperm donations from those who engage in risky sex is an issue. But gays do NOT have the monopoly on risky sex. In fact, some of our greatest health risk statistically comes from so-called straight men who go outside their relationship to bop whatever's available. In Jersey, for example, there's a big issue about middle-aged men (in suits, with nice cars and a wifey at home) who go out soliciting young males at rest stops. Then they take their sexually transmitted diseases home to the unsuspecting wifey.

Also, as a society, we're so damned eager to make it impossible for gays to live in committed, monogamous relationships. It's like the abortion issue: in one case, they want to cut of all means of contraception and then insist that if a woman gets pregnant, she's stuck with the child (while also removing any aid to that woman or child). With gays, these folks want to keep gays from trying to have a committed, safe relationship, trying to prevent even the use of condoms, and THEN they condemn gays for being profligate.

Perhaps I know "unusual" gays, but those I know generally are pretty monogamous and darned careful about contracting or spreading disease. I wish I could say the same about many of the straight people I know.

This is all about punishing gays for what the Bushies see as gays' poor "choice". This is laughable when you stop to ask yourself, "Did I choose to be heterosexual?" I didn't. I just am. I don't think gays sit down at age 15 or 30 and say, "Wow, I'd like to be gay" anymore than we straights do. Considering how many of us are trained to conform, I would think that if being gay was a decision people could make, many would choose differently. Don't you?

How can I say this is all about punishment? Because the FDA standard does NOT discriminate against straights screwing everything in sight (and we know how fond PA senator Rick Santorum is about dog sex) and does nothing to prevent people from lying about their sexual orientation. There's NOTHING there to protect us from someone who is happily married in a heterosexual relationship but, like those Jersey businessmen, pick up 2-3 strangers every evening at a rest stop.

Once again, we throw out all reason and science so a few people can feel they've done "God's" work. Bullshit.