
Stem Cells

So Mr. Bush wants us to adopt them. Well, I'd certainly rather adopt a stem cell than George.

But his arguments are both getting increasingly ludicrous as well as increasingly against the best interests of the American people. While this is nothing new for our fickled leader, arguing that a stem cell is a baby who just hasn't been adopted yet is astonishly dim-witted.

Embryos are lost everyday, and not just through abortion.

He's now to the point of arguing that a single cell is not only life, but is a far more precious life than a living, breathing, full developed human being who suffers from a life-threatening illness. Have we really reached the point where the only valuable life is that which has not yet been born? Because he's happy to disconnect living humans from life support so long as their name isn't Terri Schiavo, happy to execute them or have them involved in wars with no basis, happy to lock up tons of people who he cannot prove are guilty of committing any crime, and happy to let lots of elderly and poor Americans starve because of his policies.

Perhaps we should give single cell embryos the right to vote? It sure would be tougher for them to argue that Diebold is cheating or that their vote wasn't counted.

In other words, Mr. Bush's so-called political capitol is as bankrupt as every company he ever managed - including Company America - and his soul. Really, folks, isn't it time to consider impeaching this fool? I don't say this lightly. Everything this man touches turns to shit.