Applauding Senator Voinovich
I'm impressed. I think this senator may be more interested in the good of the U.S. and the world than merely being a tool to the Bushies. Good for him.
The maverick Republican who denied
President Bush's U.N. nominee a smooth sail through the GOP-led Senate asked colleagues Tuesday to vote against a "controversial and ineffective ambassador."
The Senate is expected to vote on John R. Bolton's nomination before leaving for a Memorial Day break, and Republicans said they are confident he will be confirmed.
The vote would end weeks of wrangling over whether Bolton mistreated co-workers or took liberties with government intelligence.
"In these dangerous times, we cannot afford to put at risk our nation's ability to successfully wage and win the war on terror with a controversial and ineffective ambassador to the
United Nations," Sen. George Voinovich (news, bio, voting record), R-Ohio, wrote to all 99 other senators. "I worry that Mr. Bolton could make it more difficult for us to achieve the important U.N. reforms needed to restore the strength of the institution."