Big Loss for Theocrats?
From Steve Gilliard:
This is a major defeat for the theocrats.
This is what happens when amateurs play at politics. Dobson was under the delusion that he could control the Senate with his money and Bill Frist's dick in his pocket. This didn't work.
The Dems don't have the bodies to challenge and win this outright, which is why the wingnuts Brown and Owen will get their votes. But Frist looks weak and indecisive and most importantly foolish.First, the Schiavo mess, then failing to even control his own caucus. What kind of weak leadership is he providing? Making an alliance with the antischrist and failing is not a good way to get support in the future.Of course, there's a lot of whining about how the Dems don't fight, but part of fighting is to know when to not fight.
Like the Schiavo mess, the GOP had set a trap, this time, undone by their own side.Their reward will, of course, to be challenged by Dobson's lackies in their next race. If successful, we should get some seats back.