
The Fed Secretary of Education is a Ninny

And a lobbyist ninny, at that.

Margaret Spellings said the other day that there is far more fact to prove that humans were created by "creationism" than any other "theory." She did NOT however answer what those facts were. If it's the Bible, that text also says man was created from dust and that woman created from a rib taken from Adam, and that consuming knowlegde is a bad thing (to me, all evidence that the Bible is a work of man to keep other people in place rather than the word of God - at least, I've never heard God claim authorship).

Through many revisions, the Bible was specifically edited by different people who interjected their own biases, their own lessons.

But set that aside. The person in charge of our schools says there is far more evidence that creationism is how humans were created. I find that scary but hey, Maggie Poo was a lobbyist and "Bush's consultant" on Texas schools that helped turn those schools into even more of a laughing stock than they used to be (and it was hard to go lower - I've never heard an educator EVER say that Texas offers quality education; most have voiced an opposite opinion since I was a kid, which wasn't exactly yesterday).

Instead, I think Maggie has just sold herself again, this time for a job where her biggest duty is to get people to abandon public schools. This president and his people want public schools to close as surely as they want to destroy Social Security, health care, the judiciary and yes, the rest of the government along with the military. Destruction is their thing.