U.S. Says It Will Offer Incentives to Iran to Stop Nukes
Hmmm... I wonder what incentives we'll offer.
Could it be?
- * Condi gives them a fashion show? Her wearing what the best-dressed Dominatrix is sporting this year while Lynne Cheney models bodice-ripping nude lingerie?
* We let them bootleg Rush's radio show?
* Noni Scalia and John Ashcroft: Untapped, in concert?
* A taste of democracy, Bush-Baghdad style?
* The Bush Twins will go over to model in Iranian booze ads? (Both 23, both have never had a job, both run up bar tabs per night that are more than many Americans earn in a month, and both would seem to qualify for this all volunteer army.)
* Jeff Gannon will become a news anchor on Faux-Tehran?