The Paper Trail
From VerifiedVoting's newsletter:
H.R. 550, the "Voter Confidence and Increased Accessibility
Act of 2005" was introduced by Rep. Holt (NJ). In only two
weeks, it has over 100 cosponsors. H.R. 550 is the "gold
standard" of verified voting bills. It not only requires
voter-verified paper ballots(VVPB) but also mandatory
manual audits, requires increased security, prohibits undisclosed
software, and more. It was carefully written after extensive
consultation with many experts. supports
H.R. 550 in the strongest possible terms and encourages all
members of the House to become cosponsors.
Take action: Visit our Action Center today.
The "Voting Integrity and Verification Act of 2005" (VIVA
2005), was introduced by Sen. Ensign (NV) as S. 330 in the
Senate and by Rep. Gibbons (NV) as H.R. 704 in the House.
These bills are narrowly focused on voter-verified
paper ballots. They don't do everything we want, but they do what
they do very well. We support these bills and encourage all
members of Congress to cosponsor them (as well as H.R. 550).
Take action: visit our Action Center today.