A Vote for John Kerry is a Vote for Another 9-11?
Dick Cheney said that, and then the White House tried to back pedal, saying this isn't really what he meant. But the fact that neither Cheney nor Bush have refuted this is telling.
Me? I think only a vote for George Bush could be called a vote for another 9-11. But it would also be a vote for:
- * Increasing the tax burden on the poor and middle class so the rich can get richer
* Making sure that no job offers retirement and health benefits upon which you can depend, or pay a living wage
* Treating women (who aren't the wives or mistresses of wealthy, powerful men) like children or chattel who can't decide for themselves about issues surrounding their own bodies
* An end to Medicare, Social Security, to public education, to health care for all but the rich, for the protections afforded citizens under Roosevelt's New Deal
* An end to both privacy and dissent
* American policy on foreign affairs, social policies, energy, etc. driven solely by corporations and extremist religious factions that are loyal to Mr. Bush
* Constant war without justification (example: we went to Afghanistan only to end the Taliban and catch bin Laden but did neither; we went to Iraq to "free the people" only to kill off thousands and place a puppet regime controlled by the US in Saddam's place