On This Labor Day, Stop and Think
Think about you, your job (or lack thereof) and Mr. Bush.
See, statistically speaking, it's very likely that you:
- * are working more hours for less pay
* paying more for your job-based health benefits if you still have them at all
* that you're one of the majority hurt by the new overtime laws rather than the minority helped by them
* or a loved one, or a close friend has been out of a job and had substantial difficulty finding a new one in this "great Bush economy"
* are struggling under a tise of rising debt, hoping things will improve only to see that help ever delayed
* are one of the vast majority seeing no difference in the Bush tax cuts that have saved Cheney alone more than $100K+ in taxes
* know some 18 or 18+ kid who really had no other choice for steady work than to join the military
* pay far more in taxes percentage wise than major corporations