
CBS and the Killian "Bush Memos"

CBS is standing by the documents it presented as coming from one of Bush's commanding officers in the Air National Guard purporting that Bush failed to meet different requirements and yet was never sanctioned. This is in light of questions about whether a specific typewriter used could have produced these documents at the time they would have been authored.

Here's the deal. If the documents are fake, that's awful. No one should be doing this, regardless of how important they believe the stakes to be. Whoever faked them should be punished. If they're proven fakes, CBS should certainly own up to a mistake.

But in the rush to cover the minutae of the great font mystery, why is no one bothering to pay attention to whether - as other facts seem to support - that Mr. Bush repeatedly fucked up and failed to serve, yet was treated quite differently than others at that time were treated?

That a president who has called tens of thousands of soldiers to fight not one but multiple simultaneous wars while swaggering about in his "Commander in Chief" camouflage, who may have done drugs for which he happily approved the imprisonment of untold numbers of Americans, and is happy to allow someone who did serve be smeared, this would seem to be the story.