
The Mark Has Been Acknowledged

With more than a dozen US military deaths in two days, the press is finally acknowledging that the 1,000 mark has been reached (in fact, it was probably passed last week since one figure had it at 1,012 before the 7 Marines yesterday and the 4-5 in various car bombings today.

Rumsfeld, of course, came out and told us not to be sissies because it's only going to get worse so tough.

Bush, of course, campaigned and gutted the English language and American policy, his daily routine. And his girls undoubtedly, of course, got themselves extremely drunk and stone and reeking of cigarette smoke, probably purchased for them by other people.

But there was another figure I heard today on the mainstream media for the first time in a bit: an acknowledgement that more than 20,000 Iraqis have died. Like our casualties, I suspect that's not a complete number. I've seen the Pentagon claim more than 100 insurgent deaths in a single incident only to see the bodies of several dead babies and young children (under 5) who probably weren't insurgents.