Keep Dick Cheney as GOP VP Choice
Republicans may be arguing and otherwise debating whether to leave Dick Cheney on the Bush ticket, but anyone else with a lick of sense knows that just removing Dick's name from the ticket will NOT remove him from making all the decisions.
If Rudy Giuliani (a sentimental rather than a sane choice) or John ("Do I seem a little disingenuous to you because even I'm having trouble keeping up with my mood changes?") McCain or whoever is named instead, Dick will STILL manage all the strings. That's a no brainer. The GOP would be happy to sell the Cheney name down the river because they continue to keep Cheney, the wizard behind the curtain of secrecy.
Thus, I would think it would be in everyone's best interest to leave Cheney visible. He's spent enough time in that secret bunker, no? And the viper you can see is better that the one lurking in the shadows you can't.
Believe it or not, I am not simply saying this because Cheney seems almost universally disliked and distrusted, even among many Republicans. I don't want anyone pulling strings out of sight, regardless of their political affiliation. While it seems too much to ask for anyone in Washington to be held accountable, let's at least try to keep the names on the table.