While Senators Warn Against a Bush Push For War With Iran, We Hear About Iranians Killing Americans In Iraq
[Update: Former "intelligence" czar and now State Dept Asst Secretary John Negroponte warns that Iran "cannot go unchallenged" in Iraq, while Bush insists "nobody's talking about invading Iran" (right - he said that about Iraq as late as a few weeks before we did).]
Here's the AP story on the senators warning about Iran and now here is also this from Hoffmania which, to me, can ONLY be expected AFTER Bush announced a "death warrant" on any "Iranian operatives" found "interfering" in Iraq (and Mr. Bush would say I'm interfering, for example, by questioning his motivation for wanting to attack Iran):
MSNBC is reporting that Iranian forces gunned down five American troops. That's what "intel" is saying.
Really? Pardon my cynicism. There is absolutely no reason for us to NOT believe that this is all a giant setup to start a war with Iran. Every ounce of "evidence" this White House has made every step of the way when it comes to military action in the Middle East was trumped up. Fake. Phoney. Failed to exist.
So this latest "outrage" rings utterly hollow. And unless they suddenly get the urge to use diplomacy instead of military force in Iran, we call bullshit. Complete bullshit.
And sending more US troops in to egg on Iranians smacks of all the attempts to goad Saddam Hussein into a war. If America has a brain left, we'll all call for complete and total hand-tying on these war mongers if they even LOOK at Iran funny.
Besides, Ahmadenijad's got his own people to worry about before he can deal with us. His economy is now in the toilet and his citizens are fed up with his hubris.