
GITMO: "FIVE YEARS LATER.... But Who's Counting?"

The magnificent MissM points us to a piece published at Michael Moore's site (you don't have to agree with him to use his resources, dearie) by Candace Gorman, an attorney for a non-enemy combatant, one of the men left to languish without any charges or any day in court at the hell we call Guantanamo Bay (Gitmo). It's compelling. Go read.

MissM also highlight's Ms. Gorman's blog about Gitmo which should be required reading for any patriot (hint: there are few of them in Washington but many of them in home towns across this nation).

And then join the call to close Gitmo down and with it, any other of the Bush "secret" detention centers.

Then bring the right people to trial on charges of treason, starting with George Bush and Dick Cheney.