
Corruption Doesn't Run Through the Bush Administration; It Races At Warp Speed

Offered by Think Progress, a piece that left me completely unable to eat another bite of the sumptuous spring roll before me. ::sigh::

Stephen G. Rademaker, U.S. assistant secretary of state for arms control, is leaving the State Department for a lucrative lobbying job at the firm of Barbour Griffith & Rogers.
While assistant secretary of state, Rademaker negotiated a controversial deal allowing the United States to sell nuclear technology to India, which is not a member of the important nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty. Critics argued that the Bush administration “abandoned the one incentive states have to stay in the NPT, without providing an alternative framework to sustain the effort to control proliferation.”

Less than a month after that deal was ratified by Congress during its lame duck session in December, Rademaker is leaving the State Department to join Barbour — which lobbied on behalf of the Indian government for the nuclear pact.

In Sept. 2005, Barbour signed a one-year, $700,000 contract with India to work on “developing, refining and expanding relationships between Indian officials and the U.S. foreign policy-making apparatus in the Executive and Legislative Branches.” Mainly though, Barbour was one of two firms hired by the Indian government with the aim of “pushing the [nuclear] deal through Congress.”

The Sunlight Foundation has more on the Bush administration and the revolving door.
This is like the GOP doing the Medicare deal that screwed seniors and taxpayers and then took fatcat jobs with PHrMA, the mammoth pharmaceutical lobbying organization. So they take our money while collecting much bigger money to screw us over like few have ever been screwed before.

I know this kind of shit has gone on with both Dems and the GOP, but the proportions with which it has happened on the Bush watch (and I use that term ever so loosely) is so far past astronomical - not to mention abusive, and a few other a words which come to mind - that it's impossible to laugh at it.