Watch Out Washington County - I May Be Coming to Your Door on Saturday
Well, I've just gotten my "mission" for Bernie Sanders on Saturday. I'll be getting literature at 10 AM in beautiful downtown Montpelier (not pronounced "Mon-peel-yaaaaa" by anyone but Steve Martin and Jim Hogue) and then going door to door not simply to remind people to vote, but also to make my pitch for voting Bernie.
Now, I don't "do" door-to-door so this will be interesting. I simply decided that if I want my reps to be more accountable to me, I also must be more accountable to them and to the democracy I want. IMHO, Rich Tarrant would be an extremely damaging choice to this state and to its representation in Washington. He's a corporate fatcat but Vermont is not a corporate state.
But it's (my volunteering) not just an effort against Tarrant but for the many - if not all - good things Bernie has done in the past and even more he will hopefully accomplish in the future.