
Bushies Find a Way to Drastically Reduce Iraq Civilian Death Count: Stop Reporting Any Insurgent Deaths

MSNBC has the basic story here, but it's official. To reduce the horrendous and always-worsening civilian death count in Iraq - at well over 3,000 just for one reporting Baghdad morgue alone alone, the Bushies including Donald "Duck" Rumsfeld, have decided to stop including ANY deaths that are a result of insurgent attacks...

This means MOST of the deaths in Iraq, like the sometimes hundreds who have died in a single day from multiple insurgent-blamed car bombs.

This is montrous. Unconscionable. Derelict. And completely fucked.

I guess this means the death count will now primarily be those killed by paper cuts from U.S. red tape and those who die from lack of oxygen from holding their breaths waiting for the situation in Iraq to improve under U.S. command?