Rosh Hashanah
Sundown this evening starts the Jewish New Year, Rosh Hashanah. My best wishes to all of this faith.
If others like me who are not Jews do not know, Jewish holidays usually are rich with meaning and thought well beyond mere symbolism alone. For example, during the days of atonement that come with Rosh Hashanah, the faithful are obliged to ask forgiveness to anyone whom they believe they may have wronged during the past year. I do not expect to receive an apology because I recall no Jew wronging me, either in the past year or at any time before.
A lovely old Jewish woman took the time to tell me about this holiday - and others, including the meaning of each candle on a menorrah that comes with Hanukkah - when I was a freshman in college. From what I learned, I suspect all of us - even atheists - could benefit from celebrating Rosh Hashanah. While you do see me post concerns about Israeli politics (a truly secular matter), you will not find me taking issue with Judaism itself which I believe is quite beautiful and rich. Every personal experience I have had with it among friends, teachers, and so on has done nothing but enrich my life and further my knowledge and understanding, not just of the Jewish faith but of humankind and life itself.
And on a similar note, to my Wiccan and pagan friends - or just plain naturalists - a joyous vernal equinox (aka "fall" or autumn) which arrives at 12:03 AM tonight (technically, the first moments of Saturday).