
Speaking of Mensa Mega Geniuses: Michelle Malkin Joins The Qana Massacre Revisionist Club

Judd from Think Progress shares the latest on Michelle "Moonbat" Malkin's induction into the Qana Massacre (Lebanon) Revisionist Chapter, of which other geniuses such as Rush Limbaugh, Ann Coulter, Oliver North, and Bill O'Liely O'Reilly are proud members already.

Prominent right-wing blogger Michelle Malkin is pushing wild conspiracy theories about the tragic death of 56 innocent civilians, including 37 children, in Qana, Lebanon. Like 9/11 conspiracy theorists, Malkin claims the incident was an inside job. Malkin has another thing in common with 9/11 conspiracy theorists: there is no evidence to support her claims.But remember — we’re the “moonbats.”