
Defense Dept. Secretary Donald Rumsfeld "Too Busy" To Answer Questions by Congress

Isn't Rumsfeld and his Pentagon just special?

Rumsfeld says he’s too busy to testify at a public Congressional hearing about the Iraq war. It’s been six months since Rumsfeld has testified before the Senate Armed Services Committee.
And speaking of the "great" job Rummy's doing, an incredible amount - like almost ALL - of the rebuilding of Iraq remains undone, despite the mega billions we poured into no-bid contracts for the likes of Halliburton, Bechtel, and other friends overbilling friends of the Bushies. So we'll turn these projects over to the Iraqis undone for them to complete, but we won't like make any of these firms who failed to perform honor their contracts or refund money to either U.S. taxpayers or the citizens of Iraq.

Real class act we've got going on.