Bushies Continue to Lump the Failed War on Drugs To The Even Bigger Failure of the War on Terror
The War on Drugs - discussed here in a WaPo article - over time has been many things to different presidential administrations and departments, but one thing this was has never been is successful. In fact, it's run so badly and insures only the smallest fish get fried that many have come to believe the War On Drugs is largely run by the same people who fund Partnership for a Drug-Free America, namely marijuana's "big" competitors like alcohol and pharmaceutical companies.
Since 9-11, however, the Bushies have morphed the War on Drugs into the War on Terror which just leads to a greater failure and more misery for individual addicts while doing ZERO to stop huge kingpins. Rolled into this is substantial evidence over more than a few decades that the U.S. government, through various agencies, helps FUND black ops and other covert programs BY drug dealing.
We need to stop ALL the wars, especially the silly ones.