New Heights of Irony: Cheney Out Criticizing Russia on Human Rights and Democracy
If this story weren't so damned sad, I'd probably fracture a few ribs from hysterical laughing.
Oh, Russia under Putin HAS gone backwards, no doubt. But nowhere near the lightning fast pace for regression on human rights, democracy, civil liberties, and fairness that the Bushies have brought to America and its neighbors.
One example: Look at the way the Bushies stepped in to make Vincente Fox, president of Mexico, turn around on the issue of decriminalizing small amounts of drugs for personal use. Fox was going to sign it and then suddenly - insert Darth Vader Cheney music here - he's not. We're not content to ruin our own country with this senseless, ever-failing drug war, we have to try to force everyone else down the dark rabbit hole with us.
Hey, trust me, I'm not big on the use of cocaine, heroin, etc. But the drug war has only worked to fill jails with the least significant criminals while the bigwhigs go free. And the Bushies have almost completely ignored the huge rise in crystal meth which seems about the worst shit people can put in their bodies.