Iran, Israel and the United States
The Iranian president today threatened that if the U.S. attacks his country, their first retaliatory attack will be against Israel. That sounds bad; it truly does.
Yet before we just give a knee-jerk reaction, let's look at some facts behind it.
First, Israel has been trying to get the U.S. to go after Iran for sometime. Many authorities, even those on the far right, agree that if the U.S. goes to war with Iran, the ONLY partner we will have will be Israel, which isn't such a good thing.
Second, in fact, there was very little outrage expressed by anyone when Israel last year was threatening to strike nuclear targets in Iran despite the fact that this would cause a world emergency. You can't hit a nuclear target without massive death and destruction and a change in the world environment. Very little of the coverage I've read and heard today offer the fact that Israel has already threatened them which isn't any better than Iran threatening Israel.
Third, Israel isn't some little helpless country. They have one of the four largest, most advanced militaries in the world although they also happen to be one of the smallest countries in the word. How did they get so powerful? Because the U.S. hands them more in aid, especially military aid, than any other country on the planet.
Fourth, Israel has very dirty hands in terms of black ops and military strikes, along with the Mossad, their secret military group. They wrote the book on "strike first and then find a justification for it later".
So I would NOT like to see Iran strike Israel, but I want just as little for Israel to attack Iran or Israel to goad the Bushies into going after Iran. We don't need Israel writing our military policy for us just because the extreme right considers Israel valuable for the Rapture to occur.