Fellow Vermont Blogs I Have Not Noted Before
Say hello to Vermonters First where you can find good stuff on Lake Champlain (the other great lake), Vermont National Guard honcho Martha Rainville's bid for Jeffords' seat, and the endorsement by Dean's Democracy for America of Bernie Sanders for US Senate and State Senate pro tem leader Pete Welch for Bernie's vacating seat).
(Me? I'm still shuddering at the Rich Tarrant - I'm from Florida... wait, NO! I'm from Vermont! Hey, I can buy my way out of tax trouble, too - candidacy for Bernie's current spot. He's already got $2M to "buy" this cheap seat and I do not like him one bit. Vermont only gets ONE US Congressman; let it NOT be Tarrant! I would also LOVE to see Jim Douglas sent back under his rock but 67% of Dems voted for this pompous Bushie ass last time out.)
Also say hello to Vermonters Against the Death Penalty. Vermont does not have the death penalty but the feds forced a death penalty case through up here with - of course - the predictable result of sentencing death. Anyone who has watched fed cases in the era of Ashcroft and Gonzales probably knows exactly how that works. The point with cases in New England was to "reduce the northeast's shyness about executing people. I'd rather just eliminate men like Ashcroft and Gonzales, and not in the death chamber either (TYVM).
Eventually - meaning when I find time and less chaos in my life - I'll get these progressive blogs onto the blogroll.