Duck! It's Dick! Part Duh!
So do you suppose that Dick Cheney, tanked (and man, the stories of what he drank or didn't drink that weekend are wide apart, changing hourly, and seem both inconsistent with Cheney's history of DUI charges and known booziness as well as all the meds he takes for his heart), thought the Texas lawyer friend was Osama bin Laden Forgotten so he shot him?
Yeah, me neither. Dick wouldn't lift a gun for his country; just for his trophy case. He has other priorities.
Still, it's awfully hard to have birdshot lodge in the heart directly (vs. traveling through the bloodsteam) considering the "facts" of the case. Cheney and Rove are saying pellet gun, which he was NOT using since he had a fairly high powered shotgun. A distance of many yards does not work for that kind of bodily entry. Quite honestly, it sounds close to point blank which would mean the VP either wanted to hurt this man (unlikely) or was not in any shape to be shooting (far more likely).
You want this man a heart beat (not his; he does not have a heart) from the red button? I don't.
I liked what Jack Cafferty said, however, about Cheney only appearing on Faux News today with that great Fox (wheeze), Brit Hume.
To paraphrase,