Two Good AmericaBlog Pieces
First, Michael notes that NY Post readers - and the Post is another Murky Murdoch paper - are ripping the paper a new one for supporting Rove and Company:
It happened on Friday, when a story about Rove prompted a Letters page filled with people blasting Rove and only one in support. It happened again today. The NY Post ran an editorial praising Rove and calling Wilson a low-down, dirty dog. I didn't even bother linking to it. Today's Sunday letter section is FILLED with letters from readers -- all of them criticizing the paper and condemning Rove and not getting sidetracked into a he said-he said debate. Two corkers:Snipped there.If Rove was doing a public service — one that was not a crime — then why didn't he make his statements on the record?
But, when accusing and smearing the veracity and patriotism of Wilson, [at least Wilson] had the guts to make his statement for all to know.
Plus, they note that Bob Schieffer on CBS FINALLY said what should be said: if Bush wanted to know the truth about PlameGate, he should have demanded it two years ago. Instead, Bush and the GOP are whining about a situation they caused: an investigation that was purposely strung out for two years, well after the presidential election in 2004, hoping the public would forget.
Finally, John in DC notes that even Howie Kurtz notices that Ken Mehlman, head of the GOP, cannot open his mouth without lying through his ugly little teeth:
See Ken lie. Lie, Ken, lie.Nice job, fellows.
Media, do not let Mehlman and other Republicans run off at the mouth lying to you, then simply regurgitate what he tells you - or on TV, just let him tell his lies unchallenged. It's happening far too often - Mehlman says "Rove never leaked" and you guys just sit there and take it, when you know damn well that Rove's own lawyer said that Rove leaked. Don't let Mehlman just lie.
Mehlman's other lie was caught today by Howard Kurtz in the Wash Post, to Howie's credit.Part of the Republican defense, as expressed by Mehlman on NBC, is that Rove didn't know Plame's name or that she was a covert operative. Mehlman cited a New York Times report that, in his words, "says Karl Rove was not Bob Novak's source, that Novak told Rove, not the other way around . . . This information at least came to Mr. Rove from journalists, not from a classified source."
But the article said that when syndicated columnist Robert Novak, who was the first to report Plame's name and CIA job in July 2003, mentioned her, Rove replied he had "heard that too," indicating Rove had already obtained the information elsewhere.