Boston Globe: Hard-Hitting Speculation on Why Bush Has Not Acted on Karl Rove
Note: Here's the correct link. Thanks to Reader MissM for catching it.
First, let me encourage you to read the entire editorial letter, it's short but packs quite a punch. Just as they state, absolutely nothing happens in the Bush Administration by accident (part of why 9/11 is so disturbing).
Here's the killer wrapup, however, and bless them for saying what too many fear to state:
So why has Bush not acted? It seems there are two possibilities. The first is that he is a man of his word only when it suits his interests. Rove has been instrumental in Bush's political success. Perhaps Bush meant to say that he has one set of rules for his advisers and another for everyone else. The second, more disturbing, possibility is that Bush authorized, either explicitly or implicitly, the leak to retaliate against Joseph C. Wilson IV, who publicly presented evidence that the administration was distorting facts to sell the American people on going to war. Either way, the president has painted himself into a corner.