Distrust Goes Both Ways
Strong - but apt - words from the Progressive Daily Beacon:
George "W"idow-maker Bush claims he "trusts" the American people's judgment, but it is crystal clear he doesn't. That is okay however, because according to the latest polls, Pew being the most recent, the public doesn't trust Bush either.We've had several gleanings from conversations Bush has had with others that he does not trust the American people or understand how they think. And yet, for far too long, Americans rated him as "basically honest" and a "good guy".
Let's face it, if Bush really trusted the American people's judgment he wouldn't have told them so many lies, and he wouldn't have so suddenly decided upon a Supreme Court nominee, as part of a concerted effort to knock Rove and probably his entire administrations treasonous act of outing a CIA agent to the press, out of the headlines. Let's face it -- and perhaps, it is time Bush and Rove do too -- the American people, it seems, are on to Rove's pre-school bait and switch magical tricks. This latest slight of political hand, i.e., moving up Roberts' nomination to the Supreme Court in an effort to cover the Bush-Rove act of treason isn't working.
Well, okay, it is working on CNN, MSNBC and FOX (truth be told, the people at FOX probably helped Rove plan the distraction) because they all seem able to find time to continue the coverage of the so-called "flip-flop-flap" scandal, but no time for continuing the Rove-Bush Plamegate treasonous act. Still, many in the mainstream print-press aren't simply allowing the Bush-Rove "duck-n-cover" behind the Supreme Court game, to go unchallenged. It is the print media's continued willingness to analyze the latest game of school-yard political magic, which indicates the American people aren't buying into the charade either.
The press will only report something bad about Bush, if it is too obvious not to. So, when the press claims Bush is trying to hide his criminal activity behind Roberts' nomination, you know full well the people can see through it too.
Yeah, a good guy who let 9/11 happen, asked no tough questions afterward, and then lied us into Iraq. Stinks.