
The President Speaks

For those who missed the 8 seconds the president "spoke" to the press today - with Rummy at his elbow like, if needed, he would pull Rummy in front of him as a human shield - let me give you the shorter, no smirk version:

"The smart guys in my administerstrashun doctored up them numbers so it looks like we have less debt than we actually have. Good 'nuf!

What this tells me is that I'm doing a bang-up job of fakin' it, y'know? Oh yeah, and unemployment's at its lowest evuh cos we doctored them numbers too - and did you know that we got more people working in the US than have evah worked before? Yeah, the smarties out there will say that happens when you make 75-year-olds work cos we screwed their retirement and that the population's up so yeah, you'd see them numbers but I'm gonna take credit for it anyway.

And for the reporters askin' pesky questions about Turd Blossom (Karl Rove)? I smirked em up real good. Yeehaw!