
Applying the President's Own Standard to Himself

In the wake of 9/11, one of Mr. Bush's favorite phrases was, "You're either with us or you're against us, and acting on behalf of the Terrorists."

In light of what we've seen the last four years, especially recently with the PlameGate story, the Downing Street Memo's document revelation, it's time to apply that same standard to the president himself.

Again and again, we see that when it comes time for the president to make a choice: the good of the country or the good of the Bushies, Mr. Bush shafts the country for the sake of his friends and colleagues. Gonzales, for example, is not supposed to be critically analyzed as a possible Supreme Court nominee because Mr. Bush says, "I don't like people being mean to my friends." We're certainly seeing that in the case of Rove and the cooking of the Iraq War.

So it comes down to this: Mr. Bush is with us or he is with the terrorists. Evidence reveals every time that he certainly does not stand with the American people. So the converse would seem to be true.