The Ever Delusional Ann Coulter
From Mr. An-thrax (aka The Topic Toothpick with Testosterone):
Karl Rove was right. The real story about Joseph C. Wilson IV was not that Bush lied about Saddam seeking uranium in Africa; the story was Clown Wilson and his paper-pusher wife, Valerie Plame. By foisting their fantasies of themselves on the country, these two have instigated a massive criminal investigation, the result of which is: The only person who has demonstrably lied and possibly broken the law is Joseph Wilson.The only surprise here is that with Peter King suggesting the media be shot, Tom DeLay insisting Matt Cooper "didn't act professional" and Chuck Colson saying that Karl Rove is the most decent and righteous man he's ever known, Ann doesn't even stand all that far apart in her extreme mental illness.