
John Nails the Real Motive in DeLay-Schiavo

I think John at AmericaBlog has nailed this: Tom DeLay didn't jump on Terri Schiavo's body to distract us from the ethics problems (now there's an understatement) so much as to force the conservative Christian element to protect him from current and future problems. So far - at least with many voices - he's been successful, too, as more and more say "we have to save Tom from those Dems and liberals who hate God and life".

Mind you, even the Wall Street Journal looked down their patrician noses at DeLay this past week.

Cheney did say it was "inappropriate" for DeLay to threaten judges, but if you read the full text of his comments, this Dick was pretty limp (as in, "I personally would not have knocked down the long line of elderly nuns clutching walkers who were trying to escape from the burning building but yes, sometimes nuns must be toppled.")