
Help 10,000 People Register to Vote in a Single Hour This Sunday

MoveOn wants your help, and the cause is most worthy:

Pundits say that we live in a closely divided nation. If you look at elections, that's true. Yet wide majorities of Americans share our values: fair wages, great public schools, a healthy environment.

What do we need to do move things in our direction? There's a simple place to start--we need to make sure everyone registers to vote.

And this Sunday, we're going to get started. We'll register as many as 10,000 voters in one shot, helping to beat Bush in the bargain. More than 6,000 MoveOn members will be calling voters in key election states and registering them. Will you help us? To join a phone party near you, click here.

It'll be fun--you'll get to meet other local MoveOn members, and all you need to bring is a cell phone to make your calls on, plus several stamped envelopes to send forms to the people you call. And since we're calling on the weekend, most cell phone calls will be free.

We'll provide everything else. You'll call unregistered voters for an hour or two, help them fill out the voter registration form over the phone, then mail it to them to sign and send in. This is a great way to bring new voters into the process, and a big step toward winning back the White House.

If there's no party near you, or even if there is but you want to call with your friends, you can hold your own party. Just set it up on our website, decide whether other MoveOn members can sign up and pick a maximum number of participants, and we'll give you all the information and tools you need—lists of voters, a script to read, voter registration forms, and a way to send the results back in easily.

Many people register when they get a drivers' license, but it's a huge project to track down those who don't and persuade them to register. But remember Florida in 2000--with a margin of only 537 votes, each registration is a big step forward.

It's incredibly important, but we can't do it without you. Sign up now.