"Why Blame America First?"
No kidding, that's what Congressman J.D. Hayworth (R-Porcine) said about the Iraqi abuse scandal. Why should America always be blamed first by these Democrats?
Gee, I dunno, J.D. Should we blame Lithuania? How about Clinton? We can say Clinton made these GIs do this. Would that work for you? This way, no thought (mind you, I didn't say additional thought because it's clear you give as much attention to your work as a great, non-partisan people's representative as you do your svelte figure and your spiffy looking hairpiece) about the situation is required, like "America might be the one to blame because the officers are all identified as American, in a country occupied by America, and because America established itself as the governing and punishing authority under which these people live."
Please, J.D., leave the comedy to others. Go back to doing what you do best: being the poor man's less successful, more weight challenged Rush Limbaugh. Ass.