
Senate Says No to Bush Overtime Rules

Very pleased to hear that a slim majority said NO to Mr. Bush's overtime rule overhaul. The change - while it sounded good for certain workers - certainly appeared to have provisions that would make it far easier for an employer to demand more work just by offering a position title change that brought with it no pay raise. The way I read it, everyone at McDonald's would become a manager to avoid cases where someone would need to be paid overtime worked.

I've read too much in the past year about companies either forcing the workers themselves to shave hours off time sheets to meet budget or used payroll people or managers themselves to wipe the hours off.

I also used to work for a company that would take hours away, where we were told how much we could earn in a given period and then told to fictionalize our invoices/time slips to make certain that all the extra hours demanded of us would never appear. As I recall, the Labor Department investigated them about 3 times. Never went anywhere even though several of us provided information.