
A Little Here, a Little There

Over the past week or so, I've been striving to add some additional great resources to the various compilations you'll find at left, including MediaMatters.org (the new David Brock well-funded enterprise to reply to wingnut attacks), The Daily Cookie (oft recommended by the great Skippy and now we see why), the funny Mad Kane, including her infamous Dubya's Dayly Diaries, the Democratic Congressional Caucus Campaign, and a slightly left-of-right Bush2004 site.

If you see glaring omissions, drop me a note. I'm always looking for another good site to visit ... and many of you seem to be as well. Nor do I discriminate against moderate or conservative sites (there are just too few of them, IMHO). However, it seems like everytime I start to add one to my links, they come out with a headline blaming Clinton for teenage pregnancy or Rush's drug problem.