Place Your Bets
Were I a betting person - and I'm not, unless you count writing proposals for publishers - I'd say there's a good chance the president's re-electability chances in the polls actually could slip into the 30s.
Who is to blame? I think the answer rests with Mr. Bush, although his administration takes no accountability for anything.
Oh wait. He does take credit for some issues:
- * the wonderful economy (which explains why so many people I know are either out of work, way underemployed, or working 3 jobs to bring in just some of what they used to make at one)
* how well Iraq and Afghanistan are doing since we attacked them (!!!)
* helping kids (not with their education, but with getting them great paying - cough - jobs with the military to fight his wars for him); REMEMBER: about the only part of "No Child Left Behind" that's working properly is the ability for recruiters to torment teens into signing up with the military