
And God Said to George, "You're a Schmuck!"

Er... uh... seriously, CNN reports that Mr. Bush's approval ratings have miraculously reached new lows:

President Bush holds a single-point lead over Democratic challenger John Kerry in the latest CNN/USA Today/Gallup poll of likely voters, but voters' approval of Bush's performance and support for the war in Iraq dropped to new lows in the survey.

I hope George remembers to buy Scalia lots of nice trips so the Supremes will make certain he's re-selected. In my lifetime, an election's never been this nasty this far away from pull-the-lever day.

Quite scarily, more and more people seem to openly say they expect a September or October "surprise" that will miraculously return Bush to the White House. I was talking to a rather openly Republican store clerk the other day, and she said, "Oh, I think it's a given that something will happen this fall."

What did she mean, I asked.

"Well, some people are saying there will be a terrorist attack."
