Pete Rose, a Legend in His Own Mind
As I'm reading The New York Times today, I saw an op/ed by Fay Vincent re: Mr. Rose's constant, chest-pounding attempt to be reinstated.
Let me just posit a point or two here. There are so many other issues in the world that are far more important than Mr. Rose. Yet for years, wherever I look, there's Mr. Rose crying "poor me". Millions lose their jobs, but Mr. Rose knows his problems are paramount. The nation comes under attack, and there's Mr. Rose wiping a tear from his eye because he can't have all the money and fame. The country is horribly divided on a number of critical issues, and there's Mr. Rose again telling us everything will be all right if only he gets back what he's sure he so richly deserves.
Does the Hall of Fame really need such a cry baby so desperately?
Mr. Rose, you're insignificant. You've been irrelevant for a number of years. Only you are worried about you.
Tell you what. Spend at least 1% of all that energy you expend getting on TV at every opportunity to spread the word of your mistreatment trying to do something for someone who's a lot less fortunate than yourself and who isn't in the mess he or she is in because of his/her own misdeeds. Then you might be worth something. Until then, you're just a sad old fool crying in your own poo.