Pentagon Leaks Plane Story And GOP Gets Up In Arms Over Whether Pelosi's Plane Is Bigger Than Hastert's
Even as Nancy Pelosi says she will quite happily fly regular commercial flights back and forth between her job in Washington, DC, and her home in California, this is what the Republicans consider critically more important than Iraq: whether Pelosi gets a bigger plane than Hastert. And that this story was leaked out of the Pentagon where "resigned" Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld still runs the show (except we pay him MORE now as a consultant) is sickening!
From my post at All Things Democrat:
While most of us are very much concerned with whether President Bush is, once again, going to get his way in terms of an escalation of the war in Iraq and make good on all his threats toward Iran, and worried greatly too of the increased deaths among American and other troops as well as Iraqi civilians, the GOP’s upset, too. But the reason is slightly different.
No, as Keith Olbermann on Countdown on MSNBC tonight and other sources tell us, many Republican royal loyalists are up in arms, not with Iraq or government fraud or avoidable deaths or America going bankrupt while Bush privitizes everything.
The Republicans great cause for concern? Democratic Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi’s “official” plane may be ever-so-slightly larger than former GOP Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert’s.
Uh… isn’t it just possibly that Denny Hastert was so freaking corpulent (fat to the nth power) that his plane just seemed smaller? And why do they care? GOP Congress critters all but live on huge, all-the-frills corporate jets.