Ohio Vote Rigging - Too Little, Way Too Late
Reported by DBK at Skippy (International):
the asspress reports that an ohio prosecutor is prosecuting three election workers for rigging the vote in the 2004 presidential election.Oh, the rigging went much deeper - just ask former Ohio Secretary of State and Bushie Butt Smoocher , Ken Blackwell (who, just like Katherine Harris in Florida in the cooked voting there in November 2000, was coordinating Bush's campaign while also in charge of the voting process as a whole)."the evidence will show that this recount was rigged, maybe not for political reasons, but rigged nonetheless," prosecutor kevin baxter said. "they did this so they could spend a day rather than weeks or months" on the recount, he said.
Why isn't a prosecutor going after Blackwell? And the Bushes, for that matter.